

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012


 Lyrics "Omen" by Codexum

I walked in the ashes of Alexandria
I tasted the bitter mud of the trenches
I could see at the waves cleanse the blood on the beaches of Normandy
I breathed in the holy  smoke of Popol Vuh
I could listen to death  smile when a man  talked about environmentalism
I swam in the blood of those heroes of the conscious revolution 
but he  was still there, watching me from my ruins. 

boundaries were established on the land without an owner
they were looking impotently the forest bleed
marched the armies for lost ideals
dying for an honor in which they hid their shames   

we insist on keep on fighting
there is no way back
the past smashes our present
We were sentenced by of our greed

the omen didn`t subsided our anger
blood of our brothers shriveled the earth
we chained ourself   to evil and death
humanity change the words to the sword

with pride they  buried their origin in the tombs of slaves  

Wollstonecraft, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, heroes of a lost memory

Are we prepared for a new bleeding?

bourgeoisie died on the guillotine
aristocracy wake from tyranny
idealists suffered under the dictatorship
and massacred in the Orient

History looks us  in pain
the golden shine blinded us
spilled blood lead not  to light 

the tunnel turns red
will we  light the torch?

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